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Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Office: 704-544-0050
Fax: 704-544-0737
ADHD in Children
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common condition among children in preschool and early school years that involves trouble paying attention and controlling behavior. ADHD affects approximately two million children in the US.
ADHD is classified by symptoms of inattention and of hyperactivity / impulsiveness. A child with six or more symptoms from each category lasting for at least six months at home and at school may be diagnosed with ADHD.
These symptoms include:
Constantly fidgeting and squirming
Feeling restless
Runs or climbs in inappropriate situations
Doesn’t follow instructions properly
Forgetful and frequently misplaces things
Doesn’t finish tasks
Constantly fidgeting and squirming
Feeling restless
Runs or climbs in inappropriate situations
Constantly talking
Has difficulty playing quietly
Interrupts others
ADHD occurs as a result of altered brain function and anatomy. Scientists believe that neurotransmitters in the brains of people with ADHD are not used properly. Heredity and environmental factors may also play a role.
Treatment for ADHD usually includes therapy, medication or a combination of both. The best treatment method is still under debate. However, most people benefit from a combination of therapy and medication. Symptoms of ADHD may subside as children get older, but many people also suffer during adulthood. It is important for children to see their doctor on a regular basis and continue effective treatment methods if they suffer from ADHD.
Adult ADHD
Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is first diagnosed in young children, many people continue to suffer from this condition as adults. Adult ADHD is typically more subtle and harder to diagnose, but affects between 30 and 70 percent of people that were diagnosed as children.
Many adults that seek treatment for depression or anxiety may actually suffer from adult ADHD. Symptoms of adult ADHD are basically the same as in children, only more subtle. They can include:
Easily distracted
Trouble relaxing
Trouble organizing
Trouble concentrating
Mood swings
To be diagnosed with adult ADHD, you must have a childhood diagnosis in addition to your current symptoms. Managing this condition is simple through the use of medication and psychotherapy. Making life adjustments to accommodate your condition can also help to make ADHD more manageable. Talk to your doctor today about how to treat this disorder.